Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Learn Wedding Photography

A while back I bought myself a Nikon D80 and thought I would get into photography.  Having a slick DSLR camera was one of those toys I had to have.  It was funny how every place I went with it I got lots of attention from people just because they saw the size of the camera and figured I must be a photographer.  I spent some time taking photos and getting to learn the camera and realized it was extremely easy to use and every picture I took was way better than any I had taken before.  So this immediately gave me a rush knowing that I instantly increased the level of photos I was taking by just using a higher end camera.  But what I mean by easy to use is taking pictures was just as easy as any other camera…getting used to all the different settings and learning how to get the most out of a shot was a whole different story.

After a while I started to loose some interest in using the Nikon D80 and I think it was because I was trying to learn on my own and it was a slow process.  I had taken a few thousand photos and some of them were really good but it was a pretty low percentage.

I needed a way to peak my interest and a better way of learning to use the Nikon that was more fun.  I searched around for a while and found a couple videos teaching photography.  What I learned in a few short videos was easily more than I learned in a year from trying things out myself and reading a photography book I purchased.

There are two photographers I know follow, they both keep me interested in photography and increase my skill level.   One of the things I would like to develop as a hobby is wedding photography.  Here are a few videos from That Nikon Guy (from Australia) about learning to become a wedding photographer:

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